The summer is drawing to a close, and the boys start back to school in 3 weeks. It's hard to believe it's already time to start "school supplies/clothes shopping." Dominic and Gabriel enter preschool. I was going to homeschool Gabriel but with the new baby coming and having an almost 16 month old, I decided it would be wise to just send him to preschool and cherish the "break." I will pick up with homeschooling either in kindergarten or first grade.
Speaking of the baby, she will be here any day now!! I will be 37 weeks along in two days, and yesterday landed myself in such excruciating pain that I could barely walk. The doctor had me come in and she's dropped and was putting pressure on my cerclage so it has been removed. I can walk again today, although I'm still in a decent amount of pain.
Dominic had surgery to remove the tumor over his spine. The surgeon said it was bigger inside and closer to the spine than he anticipated so he had to remove more tissue. But he was happy with the results. There were some spots on the tumor he was worried about so he had it sent for biopsy. We are still awaiting the results.
Orion signed "more" today!! I am particularly excited about that because I'm trying to incorporate more signing into our home life.
ENJOY THE PICTURES!! (click to enlarge)
Me at 36 weeks
Orion sporting his teething necklace and cloth diapers
Gabriel, who turns 4 in 2 days!!
Christian (9) and Orion (1)
My little mischief maker