Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Slideshow

Friday, December 26, 2008

He walks!

Just wanted to share a video I took tonight of Orion walking. I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Christmas is only a few short days away. Are you ready? I think we finally are. The boys are excited about Santa coming and, to be honest, I am too. I love Christmas!

Things have been crazy here. Our heater went out for 2 days, the oven went out (no Christmas cookies this year), and the garbage disposal. That's just the major things in the house that are broken. We are looking to be in the market for a bigger house of our own after the New Year. I hope all goes well and we find the right house for us.

Orion took his first unassisted steps a couple of nights ago, and although he hasn't done it much since, he is working on walking for sure. He is growing up so fast! He is 8 months old now, and is an absolute joy to us.

Christian turns 9 in another 2 weeks!

Merry Christmas to everyone!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Heart Attack

Gabriel just gave me a HEART ATTACK. We found a dead black widow spider in the toy wagon under his bed about a month ago, along with a couple egg sacs. Then today I heard Gabriel saying "Mommy!! Look, a SPIDER!" As I walked up to him to see it, he reached down and snatched it up. All I saw was something big, black, and a bunch of legs, and my heart leaped into my throat and I started screaming "OMG Gabriel put it down! PUT IT DOWN!" He dropped it and started crying. When I got a closer look at it I realized it was this plastic fly from Christian's fly gun (it shoots big plastic flies).

I stormed over and threw that stupid thing in the trash. I'm still waiting for my heart to settle down!