Thursday, October 8, 2009

Halloween is coming...and the sickies are here

Gabriel has been bestowed with H1N1...and it has been a hard few days. He runs a 102-103 temp and coughs a lot...his throat hurts so badly that he often cries when he coughs. His doctor is so overwhelmed with patients that we were referred to their networked urgent care. Orion also turns out to have pink eye. I have my fingers crossed and my wood ready that my husband and I will continue to stay healthy through their recoveries. My hands are dry and hurt from my obsessive hand washing while treating the boys.

I have begun treatment of Orion's eyes with breast milk...I'd rather do that than give him antibiotics so we will see how that goes. Everything I have read about it sings its praises as a topical "antibiotic." So far I've actually seen the redness ease up a little in his eyes....two treatments later.

My husband has officially started the cleaning business he's apparently wanted to start since high school. His mom is our employee. She did our first job today and apparently they were extremely pleased and will stay recurring bi-weekly customers. They also mentioned referring us to some relatives. I hope this really takes off!! His mother does the cleaning, my husband does the administrative side (and believe you me...even the administrative side has turned out to be a LOT of work!!), and I do the cleaner mixing/recipes. We are specializing in all-natural cleaners made in-house so I have been learning a lot about how to make different things like general cleaners, wood polishes, and air fresheners. My husband has been officially (and finally) sold on the cleaning power of vinegar.

Gabriel on his first day of school. He has grown up so fast!!

Orion is getting big way too fast as well. He's 18 months now, and weighs 5 lbs less than Gabriel. Wow!

I love Jasmine's smile!