Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bed Dilemma Over

Jerry was able to fix Gabriel's bed so we are no longer on the search until after the New Year. On to Christmas shopping!

Orion is 7 months old now. Wow time is flying. He stands up every chance he gets and can stand unassisted for 5-10 seconds. Not too much longer before he's walking.

The boys are all doing pretty well. Dominic started homeschooled preK this week. I want him to be ready for kingergarten so he has a math workbook he's doing now (and very much enjoying) and after that we'll start on letters, then colors and shapes. I'll also be helping him learn the following list (from a school teacher friend):

Listen to stories without interrupting
Recognize rhyming sounds
Pay attention for short periods of time to adult-directed tasks
Understand actions have both causes and effects
Show understanding of general times of day
Cut with scissors
Trace basic shapes
Begin to share with others
Start to follow rules
Be able to recognize authority
Manage bathroom needs
Button shirts, pants, coats, and zip up zippers
Begin to control oneself
Separate from parents without being upset
Speak understandably
Talk in complete sentences of five to six words
Look at pictures and then tell stories
Identify rhyming words
Identify the beginning sound of some words
Identify some alphabet letters
Recognize some common sight words like "stop"
Sort similar objects by color, size, and shape
Recognize groups of one, two, three, four, and five objects
Count to ten
Bounce a ball

He knows some of those things but a lot of them he doesn't.